Elegance. Atmosphere. Exclusivity.
These three words perfectly defines what fiordifiori is: a company specialized in the flower setting up and decoration for any special occasion: private, corporate, destination wedding and weddings.
Skilled architects, decorators and florists plan and set up unique and suggestive locations both in Italy and abroad, taking care of every moment and every detail. Flowers, plants, colors, shapes, decorations, fabrics, sculpture elements and even scents are chosen and customized according to the event style and the client’s preferences.
Regardless of the occasion, fiordifiori makes use of flowers so as to convey the maximum emotional and aesthetic expression, while keeping their natural form, but in an apparent yet surprising simplicity. The flower setting up contributes to enhance and complete the event atmosphere.
fiordifiori eliminates the offer banalization and “the different at any cost”. With its typical made -in -Italy passion, refinement and creativity, fiordifiori makes every event exclusive, captivating and unforgettable, thanks to its unmistakable style.

Get in touch
- C.so Garibaldi 49 – 46033 Castel d’Ario – Mantova – Italy
- +39 0376 661589
- +39 0376 661319
- info [at] fiordifiori [dot] it
Opening time
- Tue – Sat: 8.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 19.15 (19.45 summer time)
- Sun: 9.00 – 12.30
- Mon: Closed
Each flower setting is like the Heraclite’s river: it is a kind like impossible soak in twice, since water and persons are always different. Each flower creation has its continuity, but reinvented every time differently accordingly to the persons, moments and places.
fiordiFIORI is drawing the maximum aesthetic expressionism from flowers, respecting their natural form and his apparent simplicity.
fiordiFIORI is fighting against trivial offers and obvious diversity. The flowers themselves are representing and communicating unique feelings to persons in every situation.
Your moment will be unique and one-off, thanks to the unmistakable fiordiFIORI style.
Event services all over the world
with the typical passion and elegance of ‘Made in Italy’
Wedding Planning
Wedding Planning
Professionisti del settore saranno a disposizione per un’assistenza organizzativa del matrimonio, liberando i futuri sposi dall’ansia e dallo stress dei preparativi e assicurandoli che tutto proceda nel migliore dei modi, dalla messa in scena alla regia e alla realizzazione della scenografia concordata.
Eventi privati
Eventi privati
Organizziamo eventi privati rispettando le esigenze, i gusti e il budget del cliente. Proponiamo ogni volta soluzioni uniche e personalizzate in modo da soddisfare pienamente le richieste.
Eventi Aziendali
Eventi Aziendali
Con la stessa professionalità, raffinatezza e passione con cui curiamo da sempre cerimonie e matrimoni, studiamo e realizziamo, da anni, anche eventi aziendali.
Addobbi floreali
Addobbi floreali
In ogni occasione utilizziamo i fiori in modo che essi diano la massima espressivitá estetica ed emotiva, mantenendo il piú possibile la loro forma naturale, ma in un'apparente e pur sorprendente semplicitá.
Il bouquet è l’accessorio fondamentale del matrimonio e simbolo della bellezza e dell’importanza delle nozze. Un pezzo unico creato appositamente per la sposa.